Time flies when you're knitting
I should have known there was a problem when I hopped on to blogspot and I couldn't remember my password. Or was it the username I couldn't remember. After checking every e-mail account I remember I have (because I can't remember which I used to sign up with), I finally was able to get the site to recall my name and pwd.
Then the real shock came. My last post was in early September!
What have I been doing? Knitting, of course. Lots of it. Lots of little stuff, acutally. Scarves, teddy bears, socks (I mean sock) and the great and amazing knitted pillowcase (soon to be felted tote).
I look around my living room and see the aforementioned sock sitting in front of me, cookie jarns filled with leftover and stash yarn and a few yarn store bags holding projects in various stages of completion. Actually, not too "various". Most of these stages are end stgages. I have no problem finishing the knit work, but finishing the finished work is a true pain in the arse. Why, I don't know. I'll try an psychoanalyze myself later.
I'll also try and get some photos of my projects posted. I'd do it now, but the hubby and I are going to go catch the tree lighting ceremony in downtown Portland. In the meantime, I hope everyone enjoys their post-Thanksgiving shopping/knitting/whatever.