Outfoxed Knitting

Sometimes I'm smarter than the knitting; sometimes it's smarter than me. The fun is figuring it out.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Sick of knitting

At this particular point in time, I am sick of knitting.

Sick, tired and sore.

I have spent the day finishing working
on the Olympic sweater for PsychoHubby. Yes, the Olympics are over. No, I'm not done. He's got a big head. I've redone the neck three times now. And the sleeves took longer than expected.

Would someone please tell me why I knit? Right now I'm not sure. It's expensive and time consuming and getting it right the first time just doesn't happen (to me).

Here's my litany of ugh's for the day:
For all its simplicity, this sweater REQUIRES the use of 2.5 st/in gauge. If you'll remember, I used 3.5 st/in gauge. Theoretically, this would work just fine, but the change has affected multiple things. It has caused a greater than necessary stockinette roll and the arm decreases that work on a bulkier fabric are too few for for a thinner fabric.

As a result, while I have two complete sleeves, I'll have to redo the last four inches on one of them to add extra decreases. The result will be a normal sleeve instead of the bellbottom like one it has now.

Also, while the sweater has no real edging on the sleeves and bottom with the bulkier fabric, something is needed with the lighter fabric. So, I added a hem to the sleeves. I'll also add a hem to the bottom.

I'll add that hem soon. Here's what I have to do first: Take out the cast-on edge, add 2-3 inches too the bottom (his torso length is also bigger than expected) and add hem length then hem the damn thing.

I've spent 3 hours today figuring out how to undo the caston edge, then uncasting the edge. It's now ready to be added onto. Say four more inches max on the bottom and then fixing the one sleeve.

I couldn't care less. Not one little whit. I have other things to work on. Three birthday parties and a bridal shower in the next three weeks and the idea of needles makes my head ache.

I'm sure I'll be OK tomorrow and I'll love it again. But for tonight....die sweater die!


At 2:31 PM, Blogger mckenzie said...

NO! You are not sick of knitting. You love knitting. Knitting loves you. The force is with you young Jedi....


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